Wanting to help the environment is a feeling we can all get behind. The sentiment is there, but sometimes it’s hard for us, on an individual level, to know what really makes an impact. One easy way to contribute is by participating in sustainability programmes already in place. These allow you to purchase a product you already need and then automatically support environmental efforts. For example, almost all of us drive cars. Filling up with petrol is a regular activity, but what if the fuel you use could help make the air cleaner?
Offsetting a car’s carbon emissions
Carbon offsetting is a way to counter the amount of CO2 released into the air. By contributing to programmes that actively participate in environmental initiatives that reduce greenhouse gases, or by buying carbon offsets, companies are helping individuals easily get in the habit of reducing their carbon footprint.
Offsetting initiatives work best when targeting big sources of CO2. Cars are a major producer of carbon dioxide, and a typical passenger vehicle can release about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide in a single year. It makes sense that something as basic as filling up your car, with the right fuel, could help balance out this pollution going into the air.

Maxol’s Carbon Neutral Programme
In conjunction with the launch of our new Premium Fuel, we’re making it easy for you to help the environment each time you fill up your tank. For each litre of Maxol Premium Fuel sold, we’ll offset 100% of the carbon emissions from your car. We do this by supporting certified projects, whose commitment to caring for the environment is as strong as ours.
10,000 tree commitment
A major goal of our Carbon Neutral Programme is to plant 10,000 trees across the island of Ireland. Trees are one great way to help keep the air clean for generations to come because they naturally absorb and permanently trap carbon dioxide. Planting new trees increases the amount of natural air cleaners we have working for us.
Who is helping us
The best part of our carbon neutral fuel is our partners in this joint effort to make the air cleaner. Not only will Maxol employees be giving their own time to participate in tree plantings and restoration projects, but we’ve established partnerships with the Trees on Land Initiative, Crann Trees for Ireland and other nonprofit organisations to help us reach our 10,000 new tree goal.
Let Maxol help you do your part
Behaving with an environmentally conscious attitude makes the world better for everyone. It’s possible, even when fueling up your car. By making a conscious choice as to which type of fuel you buy, you’re automatically helping cleanse the air for future generations. Filling up with Maxol’s Premium Fuel is all it takes to make an impact on the environment that extends far beyond your own car. Visit us online to find out where the closest participating service station is to you.