Currently inefficient and polluting cooking regimes are deeply established throughout West Africa, and in Mali in particular. This project reduces greenhouse gas emissions by distributing fuel-efficient charcoal stoves to members of the community that would normally utilze traditional open-fire cooking methods that emit harmful smoke. The improved cookstoves reduce fuel consumption by introducing a ceramic liner, increasing combustion efficiency, and retaining heat. The project reduces Mali’s wood and charcoal consumption, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, the improved cookstoves provide relief from high fuel costs, reduced exposure to health-damaging airborne pollutants, faster cooking time, and increased cleanliness and convenience.
Project Type:
Energy Efficiency
Estimated Annual Reduction:
72,112 mt CO2e/year
Gold Standard
Fuels you can trust
Maxol is committed to providing environmentally friendly fuels across its entire network. In order to meet our environmental obligations, we use a variety of suppliers to source our petrol, diesel and their biofuel content. Now that commitment has expanded with the launch of our new 100% offset Premium Fuel.